Our Curriculum
Information about topics, daily routines and the recovery curriculum we are working on currently are available in class pages. Please use the link below.
Learning at Bitterne Manor Primary School
Our curriculum at Bitterne Manor is based around a core set of values which we believe will help children learn to do the best they can.
Using our Heads
Pupils will be taught to reflect on what they’ve learnt, to explain what they are learning, to
justify their ideas and understand their next steps. We will develop pupil’s logical thinking and how this is applied to make links in their learning and good decision making. We will challenge pupils through questioning, opportunities to problem solve and take risks. Mistakes are an opportunity to learn.
Using our Hearts
Pride in their own work and celebrating the achievements of others is an important value. This also encourages respect and tolerance for our school community and beyond. Resilience and the willingness to accept challenge is rewarded along with effort in acquiring new skills and knowledge. We want pupils to develop their self-esteem, be aspirational and motivated to do their best.
Using our Hands
We encourage pupils to make the most of opportunities to actively participate in their learning. Developing practical activities and first hand experiences are an important part of our curriculum. The ability to create and manipulate, to make and do, working towards an end product is important in applying new skills and knowledge. We also develop pupil’s communication skills and how to work as a team to collaborate on projects.
These core principles are further enhanced by our Cooperative and Professional values which are set out in the document below and elsewhere on website.
Topic Themes
Our curriculum is organised and taught using a series of topic themes. These provide a context for learning that we believe helps our children to learn better and encourages them to apply their skills and knowledge in a coherent and meaningful way. There are subjects and areas which will be taught discretely within these themes where links are not possible or practical.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum details the content of state education from 5 - 16 years. It stipulates targets in each area of the curriculum about what children should know, understand and be able to do. It is presented under the following subject headings:
English, Geography, Mathematics, Art & Design Science, Music, Design & Technology, Physical Education, History and computing.
Children also study Religious Education, Personal, Social and Health Education (which includes Sex and Relationships Education) and a modern foreign language in Key Stage 2.
We teach the children for 22 hours 30 minutes per week in Key Stage 1, and 23 hours 45 minutes per week in Key Stage 2. These timing are in accordance with the DfE recommendations. Time is also allowed for collective worship, registration and breaks. The total amount of time given to each subject area takes into account our statutory duty to cover the program of study and we are determined to ensure that we spend sufficient time enabling every child to master the basic skills.
Subjects are organised as units of work. Many are linked together to provide purposeful activities and projects for the children to engage with. At Bitterne Manor Primary School we use different themes/topics to making learning for our children more interesting. A link to our long term curriculum map is below.