E-Safety at Bitterne Manor Primary School
(Electronic Safety, Online Safety and Digital Literacy)
In today’s ever changing digital environment, we need to make sure we are taking every step necessary to keep our children safe online. We at Bitterne Manor are dedicated to supporting you as parents and carers as much as we can. We understand that the online world can be largely unknown territory and would like to offer more opportunities for you to understand how to safeguard your children within that environment.
This school asks its whole community to promote the 3 commons approach to online behaviour:
- Common courtesy
- Common decency
- Common sense
How do we show common courtesy online?
- We ask someone’s permission before uploading photographs, videos or any other information about them online.
- We do not write or upload ‘off-hand’, hurtful, rude or derogatory comments and materials. To do so is disrespectful and may upset, distress, bully or harass.
How do we show common decency online?
- We do not post comments that can be considered as being intimidating, racist, sexist, homophobic or defamatory. This is cyber-bullying and may be harassment or libel.
- When such comments exist online, we do not forward such emails, tweets, videos, etc. By creating or forwarding such materials we are all liable under the law.
How do we show common sense online?
- We think before we click.
- We think before we upload comments, photographs and videos.
- We think before we download or forward any materials.
- We think carefully about what information we share with others online, and we check where it is saved and check our privacy settings.
- We make sure we understand changes in use of any web sites we use.
- We block harassing communications and report any abuse.
Policies and Guidance
Home School Agreements
Bitterne Manor Primary School Social Network Terms for Parents
Guidance for Parents (Google Classroom)
Useful Information from our Blog...

Parental Guides
Other useful links for parents:
E-Safety Advice and Resources for Parents from InternetMatters
ThinkUKnow website - Advice for parents and pupils about staying safe online
Net-aware - Support form the NSPCC for parents
London Grid for Learning - Remote learning support for schools and colleges
Internet Matters - Advice by Age