Our Values
"Learning to be the best we can"
Bitterne Manor is a learning community that provides high-quality teaching, a nurturing environment and builds positive relationships where pupils feel valued and where they are all encouraged to fulfil their potential.
Our Aims
We aim to:
Provide equal opportunities for all pupils.
Provide teaching and learning of the highest quality.
Differentiate learning to take account of the needs of each individual.
Support pupils’ physical, mental, social, moral, spiritual and cultural needs.
Keep all pupils safe from physical and emotional harm.
Provide a broad, balanced and rich curriculum that prepares pupils for modern life.
Enrich pupils’ learning through visits and experiences.
Embrace the community and make parents part of the school’s success.
Create a friendly, happy atmosphere where good behaviour is the norm and attitudes to learning are positive.
Achieve the best outcomes for all.
Our Learning Values
We want our children to learn to be the best they can be. We want them to use their ‘Heads, Hearts and Hands’ when they are learning. These are our core learning values:
Using our Heads
Pupils will be taught to reflect on what they’ve learnt, to explain what they are learning, to justify their ideas and understand their next steps. We will develop pupil’s logical thinking and how this is applied to make links in their learning and good decision making. We will challenge pupils through questioning, opportunities to problem solve and take risks. Mistakes are an opportunity to learn.
Using our Hearts
Pride in their own work and celebrating the achievements of others is an important value. This also encourages respect and tolerance for our school community and beyond. Resilience and the willingness to accept challenge is rewarded along with effort in acquiring new skills and knowledge. We want pupils to develop their self-esteem, be aspirational and motivated to do their best.
Using our Hands
We encourage pupils to make the most of opportunities to actively participate in their learning. Developing practical activities and first hand experiences are an important part of our curriculum. The ability to create and manipulate, to make and do, working towards an end product is important in applying new skills and knowledge. We also develop pupil’s communication skills and how to work as a team to collaborate on projects.
Practical (Hands on, using tools for support, resourcefulness) Communication (team work, engaged on task, collaborating) Creating (Making and doing, building things, working to an end product) | |
Pride (Respect, celebrating, sense of achievement, self-worth) Resilience (Trying, being brave, persisting) Motivation (Want to learn, aspiration, inspiration) | |
Reflection (Explain, justify, knowing next steps) Logic ( Applying skills, making links, decision making) Challenge ( Question, solve problems, take risks) |