Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
What is Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding, direct from the Government, which is given to schools based on the number of pupils entitled to free school meals. The funding is allocated by identifying any pupils who have been in receipt of free school meals in the last 6 years. For Looked After Children, the Pupil Premium was calculated using the Children Looked After data returns. Previously Looked After Pupils (PLAC) receive slightly more funding and are categorised as Pupil Premium Plus (PP+). A premium is also allocated for children whose parents are serving in the armed forces. This service premium is designed to address the emotional and social well-being of these pupils.
Nationally there is considerable evidence to show that pupils and young people in receipt of Free School Meals do less well than their peers and many have been further impacted by the Covid 19 school closures. Whilst this is not always the case, the purpose of the funding is to support the school in ensuring this group of pupils achieve as much as they can. The most important achievements being in English and Mathematics, which are so vital for moving onto secondary school and for future employment. The impact of Pupil Premium funding is monitored regularly by leaders and the impact of the strategy reported termly to Governors. The impact of this funding is shared annually.
What are the principles about how the funding is used at Bitterne Manor Primary?
- We ensure that our teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils.
- We ensure that appropriate provision is made to meet the needs of pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, which includes those from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
- In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not every child in receipt of free school meals will be socially disadvantaged.
- We will ensure that the funding is used appropriately to meet the needs of any pupils at risk of underachievement, who are in receipt of free school meals. We also reserve the right to allocate Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
- Pupil Premium will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all pupils receiving Free School Meals will be in receipt of Pupil Premium interventions at one time.
Pupil Premium Strategy
The following barriers have been identified for those children at risk of underachievement. Whilst this is not exclusive to the Pupil Premium, the barriers are more highly represented within the group:
- Low levels of communication and language (evidence EYFS Baseline Assessments, Reading Fluency Assessments, Salford Reading test analysis, end of year assessment reviews, book scrutiny and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities information). This barrier impacts on inference in reading, vocabulary choices and quality of writing and the ability to reason and communicate in maths.
- Home learning support, particularly for those children with higher levels of need (SEN/emotional) so that basic skills become automatic
- Lower levels of resilience and resourcefulness, in some cases lower self-belief.
- A small number of pupils have multiple complex barriers to learning including SEND. Whilst this is addressed in part through the SEND budget, additional resources are needed to ensure pupils can access class learning. This is particularly around learning behaviour, anger management and emotional literacy.
- Lack of wider experiences beyond the school, often costly (e.g. music, sport and visits) which reduces the opportunities children have to practice, apply and enrich their learning.
- Higher levels of absence which impacts on pupil outcomes and progress. Gaps in learning also develop as pupils miss out on developing and securing key skills.
- In addition to the above, the residual impact of the pandemic on the specific areas of language and communication, social and emotional development and reading fluency was more evident than pre-Covid due to lack of face-to-face schooling for some, particularly pre-school experience and significantly reduced interactions.
Support Strategy
The prime strategy for addressing any barriers is ‘quality first teaching’ and all staff are committed to ensuring this happens for every individual. The school uses research based evidence to ensure interventions are appropriate and enrich high quality teaching. Senior Leaders and Governors monitor closely the impact of any intervention to ensure funding is targeted appropriately.
The school looks closely at published research including the work of the ‘Education Endowment Foundation’ to ensure strategies are effective, as well as working with other schools in the REACH Trust to share best practice.
The Headteacher and Leadership Team will regularly and rigorously monitor, evaluate and review the strategies we have put in place for the Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Grant. The PP Link Governor meets with the Senior Leadership Team each half term to review these outcomes and provide support and challenge. The outcome of these meetings - progress and impact is reported to the full Governing Body.