Curriculum Intent
At Bitterne Manor, all pupils have the opportunity to explore their ideas and record their experiences, as well as exploring the work of others. Children become confident and proficient in a variety of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting and craft skills e.g. collage, printing and patterns. Children also develop their knowledge of artists, designers and craft makers. Through a series of lessons offering skills progression, knowledge progression and the opportunity demonstrate their skills in a variety of ways, children develop their interest about art and design
Curriculum Implementation
Schemes of work are cross-curricular and topic themed to allow opportunities for making meaningful connections. Seasons are also a consideration for the placement of art and design projects. For example, if children are required to work outdoors, these projects take place in either the latter part of the spring or summer term.
Across each Key Stage, pupils will have the opportunity to develop their skills in a range of techniques and their control and use of materials. They also allow for creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, the colour project 'Mix It' enables children to be introduced to, and then revisit, colour theory and provides plentiful opportunities for children to explore primary and secondary colours. Year 1 begins by exploring themes directly related to the children themselves, such as their facial features, and progresses onto the surrounding natural world and their local community. In Year 2, the projects expand children’s artistic horizons to study a more comprehensive range of artists and artistic movements, including still-life and portraiture, as well as 3D and relief creative techniques.
Key Stage 2
In Lower Key Stage 2 the project 'Contrast and Complement' enables children to build on their previous understanding of colour theory and further develop their expertise in colour mixing. Children also expand their experiences by studying a broader range of art forms, artists and genres, including work from specific and diverse periods of history such as prehistoric pottery and Roman mosaics in Year 3. In Year 4, children develop more specialised techniques in drawing, painting and sculpture. They explore ways in which ancient cultures have influenced art and crafts by studying, for example, weaving techniques.
In Upper Key Stage 2 the colour project 'Tints, Tones and Shades' enables children to build on their previous understanding of colour theory and develop further expertise with colour by studying tonal variations and more complex colour charts. In Year 5, children develop and combine more complex artistic techniques, such as shading in drawing and Expressionist techniques in painting. In Year 6, children explore diversity in art through the projects 'Inuit' and 'Trailblazers, Barrier Breakers'.
Art Topic Overview
Curriculum Impact
Art and design is enjoyed by teachers and pupils across school. There is evidence of progression in skills and opportunities to explore a range of techniques. Children are confident in using technical vocabulary when analysing their work and giving their opinion on their own and other works of art. Children are able to make decisions about their work in order to evaluate and improve. All children in school can speak confidently about their art and design work and their skills.