Spring Topic
Rocks, Relics and Rumbles!
Welcome to our topic for the Spring Term... Rocks, Relics and Rumbles!
In this project, your child will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth's surface. They will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. They will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. They will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. They will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short-term consequences that these can have.
Reading and Writing
We will be looking at a range text for this topic, varying between narrative and non-narrative styles of writing. The Firework Maker's Daughter will be our main English text, whilst we also look at a range of non-narrative texts to learn all about volcanos, how they are made and the impact they have.
We will be looking at a variety of different writing styles, such as...
- Non-chronological reports
- Poetry
- Newspaper reports
- Diaries

As the Spring Term begins we will continue our Maths journey in Year 3 by looking at ‘Multiplication and Division.’ We will be consolidating our learning of the 2, 4, and 8 times tables and using these known facts to help us solve number problems. The children will also learn how to multiply and divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
As the term progresses, we will move onto looking at ‘Measure', focussing on both Money and Length and Perimeter. When looking at money, the children will be learning how to add and subtract differnet amounts of money and calculate change given. As we come to the end of our term we will return to looking at 'Number' and our knowledge of fractions.
Additional Learning Opportunities
As well as focusing on the core subject areas we will be looking at key foundation subjects. The focus will be on the skills which link to our topic. Here's what we will be focusing on...
We will learn about Mary Anning and her significant impact she had with her incredible fossil discoveries!
Our focus will be learning about the layers our Earth is made up of, such as rocks and plate tectonics. Children will also be researching into features of volcanoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis.
Looking at rocks, fossils and soils!
This project will teach children about artistic techniques used in sketching, printmaking and sculpture. We will be using natural forms and nature as a starting point for our artwork.
We will be using Purple Mash to learning about creating and using branching databases, aswell as improving our typing skills and setting up our own emails.
We will be learning new skills in hockey and tennis, whilst we work and play as a team. We will also be improving our gym and dance skills whilst responding to music.
Spring 1 Concept: Holy
- Theme: Mary, Mother of God
Spring 2 Concept: Fire - Good & Evil
- Theme: Holi - Hinduism
Belonging to a Community - The value or rules and laws; rights, freedoms and responsibility.
Media Literacy and Digital Resilience - How the internet is used and assessing information online.
Money and Work - Different jobs and skills; job seterotypes and setting personal goals.
How you can help at home
Parents can support by encouraging children to read lots of information books about rocks and fossils, as well as texts about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis! Below are some useful websites which the children may want to explore...
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9bbkqt
- http://www.onegeology.org/extra/kids/fossils.html
- https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/geography/physical-geography/volcano-facts/
As well as this, it is important that your child reads their book at least twice a week and brings it back to school so we can monitor their progress. Reading at home will help enhance children’s reading skills as well as their writing. Homework will be given out every Friday and asked to be returned on Wednesday. It will be linked to what your child has been learning about in school that week so discussing their home learning with them would be a great way to help with their speaking and listening skills too! Alongside this, spelling tasks will be sent home for children to practise.
Thank you for your support, any questions please ask!