I wonder who help us?
This topic is a fun way for our Kingfishers to explore different occupations. We will look at a range of different jobs which people do to help others in the community e.g. teachers, dinner staff, lolly pop people, emergency services, retail workers, cleaners, dentist, vet etc. We will have short discussions during our topic time and set out fun and inviting activities during Rainbow Time linked to our topic (free play). We will also have many activities linked to the children’s interests. We will ask the children weekly would they would like to learn about and play with.
We will be exploring the following texts:

Communication and Language
The children's communication and language will still be developing by continuing with phase 3 phonics, focusing on a variety of digraphs and trigraphs. We will think about the illustrations and language used in the above books, as well as have discussions around information we find out about our community and the people who help us.
Pupils will use their communication and language skills to bring their knowledge and findings together to enable them to gain a fuller understanding of different occupations.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The text 'Little Red Riding Hood' gives us opportunities to discuss the variety of emotions we may feel and how we can appropriately express these. We will be learning about how to keep ourselves healthy and fit. For example, cleaning our teeth and going to see the dentist. As we learn about Spring and the Easter story we will also discuss how important it is to respect people's beliefs, even if they are different from our own.
Physical Development
The children will continue to experience a variety of activities that will develop their fine motor skills, such as manipulating resources to make their own Easter cards and making their own emergency service vehicle. Pupils will learn a variety of stretches during their gym P.E. lessons, and will incorporate these into a sequence. They will also continue to develop their ball control skills as they start to learn how to use bats.
We will learn new 'tricky words', digraphs and trigraphs as we continue Phase 3 of Bug Club Phonics. The children will begin to work more independently during phonics sessions, allowing them to apply their knowledge in a supportive environment.
We will look at the language use in our topic texts and how it is used to build a picture. The children will learn what 'setting' and 'character' means and will discuss the language that is used to describe these in our texts. We will discuss what a 'plot' is and look at story structure. Non-fiction books will be used to find out information about some of the different jobs we will be looking at.
Pupils will continue to focus on applying sounds when writing words and captions, and using finger spaces between words. Some children will be begin to write sentence, understanding that full stops are used to signify the end of a sentence. All children will be exposed to sentence writing as this will be modelled daily.
We will be using many physical resources indoor and outdoor such as hula hoops, bean bags, plates and pretend food. We will enjoy using dominoes, dice and Numicon, natural objects and blocks to learn the numbers 0-10. Once we recognise the numeral and quantity we will learn which numbers combine to make these numbers. To help us learn these, we will sing songs and use our bunny ears by placing our hands above our heads, holding our fingers up to count. The children will become very familiar 5 and 10 frames to show this.
We will also learn the common shapes including triangle, circle, square and rectangle and some 3d shapes. We will identify these and look for these in the world around us. We will enjoy making patterns using number, colour and shape.
Understanding the World
We will be finding out about different occupations. We will think about the new life linked to the Easter story. Learn about maps and making their own one of the woods for Little Red to get to Grandma’s house. The children will have the chance to use technology by playing simple games on the laptops and the class interactive whiteboard.
Expressive Arts and Design
We will take part in many art and craft based activities e.g. making our own people who help us puppets and using cardboard boxes to make emergency vehicles. We will create a doctors, dentist and a police station role play area! The children will continue to learn new nursery rhymes as well as familiar and sing them to instruments.