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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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Year 6

Autumn - Maafa.


This term will be broken into three computing topics; Online Safety, Networks and Coding.


The online safety units within the Computing Scheme of Work provide in-depth coverage of computing related online safety aspects.  This will also be covered through the children’s PSHE learning.


The aim of the networks unit is to provide children with the opportunity to find out more about how networks work, understand computer networks including the Internet, learn how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web, and explore the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.


The coding lessons in these units are structured around the PRIMM approach. The whole approach may take place during a lesson or series of lessons. Predict… what this code will do Run… the code to check your prediction Investigate… trace thought the code to see if you were correct Modify... the code to add detail, change actions/outcome Make… a new program that uses the same ideas in a different way.



Spring - Frozen Kingdom.


Year 6 will look at; Binary and Blogging. 


The blogging unit will give children a basic understanding of how to plan, create and present their own blog. Also, children will learn the basic principles of creating and maintaining a blog in a controlled and safe environment.


Throughout the binary unit, children will examine and understand how within digital systems, whole numbers are used as the basis of representing all types of data and that this is known as a binary format. Children will know that binary codes contain only the digits 0 and 1.


Summer - Britain at War.


The following Computing units for this term are as follows; Text Adventures, and Google Spreadsheets.


The text adventure unit follows on from the Year 6 Coding unit. It introduces text-based adventures and children have the chance to edit an existing text adventure. 


During the spreadsheet unit, children will have a good understanding of a variety of purposes for using spreadsheets. Children will understand and use the new vocabulary relating to spreadsheets: cells, columns, rows, cell names, sheets, workbook. They will be able too locate frequently used functions and tools and know how to find the functions that they need. Children will be able to use a spreadsheet to carry out basic calculations including all the operators (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) using formulae. Children will know that tools such as series fill exist and can make use of the assistance they provide.






