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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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Year 3

Autumn - Through the Ages


In this topic the children will be looking at;  Online Safety and Touch Typing. 


The online safety units within the Computing Scheme of Work provide in-depth coverage of computing related online safety aspects. This will also be covered through the children's PSHE learning. 


The touch typing unit, is to support children with developing their typing skills. Typing, as with handwriting, needs regular practice and although the unit will give the children a basic understanding regular and consistent practice is needed over the next 4 years to ensure typing skills develop.



Spring - Rocks, Relics and Rumbles


The two units taught this term are; Email and Coding.


The email unit uses 2Email which is a safe place to teach children how to use email. Since 2Email only works within Purple Mash, children can only email Purple Mash users in their school. This also supports their learning on online safety.


The coding lessons in these units are structured around the PRIMM approach. The whole approach may take place during a lesson or series of lessons. Predict… what this code will do Run… the code to check your prediction Investigate… trace thought the code to see if you were correct Modify... the code to add detail, change actions/outcome Make… a new program that uses the same ideas in a different way. The children will be getting creative!


Summer - Emperors and Empires

During the summer term children will be taught the following units; Branching Database and Presenting.


During the branching database unit, children will learn how to  - Branching databases to classify groups of objects. A branching database is sometimes referred to as a ‘binary tree’ or a ‘key’.


During the presenting unit children will learn how to present their ideas using Google Slides. As the school is very much Google based the children will use Google Slides to create their own presentations. Here they will learn the basics such as; different text styles and importing pictures. 

