Year 2
Autumn - Movers and Shakers
During this topic the children will look at; online safety and coding.
The online safety units within the Computing Scheme of Work provide in-depth coverage of computing related online safety aspects. This will also be covered through the children's PSHE learning.
The coding lessons in these units are structured around the PRIMM approach. The whole approach may take place during a lesson or series of lessons. Predict… what this code will do Run… the code to check your prediction Investigate… trace through the code to see if you were correct Modify... the code to add detail, change actions/outcome Make… a new program that uses the same ideas in a different way. Get creative!
Spring - Coastline
In this topic the children will be looking at the following; Effective Searching and Making Music.
The effective searching unit, supports children in learning how to use the internet effectively with their searches. Skilful searches are essential for 21st-century learning and information literacy. With abundant information at our fingertips, it is important to teach and reinforce good searching.
The making music unit has a series of three lessons will provide the children with the knowledge and understanding to create simple and more complex animations using 2Sequence. The children can use 2Sequence to explore harmony and build up musical scores.
Summer - Magnificent Monarchs
The Summer unit is broken into the following two; Spreadsheets and Presenting Ideas.
During the spreadsheet unit, children will learn how to open, edit and save sheets. Also children will learn to enter data into cells allocate a value to an image and manipulate data using copying, cutting and pasting.
The presenting ideas unit will teach children will be shown various different creative ways to present ideas allowing them to explore different concepts.