Welcome to SUPER Swifts!
Dear Parents / Carers,
I would like to welcome you to the Year 2 class page. In this part of our website you will find lots of information about our topics and some key information about life in Year 2.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I very much look forward to working with you this year. Your child will LOVE being in the SUPER Swift class!
Mrs Martin
Classroom Routines
A day in the life of a Swift...
In Year 2 our day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.20pm. Have a look below at a typical day for a Swift...
* 8.30am: Gate opens, children play outside
* 8.45am: Registration / Early morning activities
* 8.55am: Phonics session
* 9.20am: Maths session
* 10.15am: Snack and Breaktime
* 10.35am: Guided Reading session
* 11.10am: English session
* 12.00pm: Lunchtime
* 1.00pm: Registration / ERIC time
* 1.15pm: Foundation based subject session
* 2.15pm: Afternoon break
* 2.30pm: Story time / class jobs
* 2.55pm: Assembly
* 3.20pm: Home time
Helpful Reminders...
* Our P.E. day is on Tuesday so please ensure your child wears their P.E. Kit to school on this day.
* Our Library days are Monday and Wednesdays.
* Ensure your child brings in their water bottle daily and it is clearly labelled.
* Please make sure that your child's uniform is clearly labelled with their full name.
* Book bags / bags are to be sent in daily. There is a place for these so your child can keep them safe.
* Fruit is available daily but feel free to send your child in with a healthy snack if they prefer their own.
* Homework will be handed out out on a Friday and will need to be returned on a Tuesday to be marked.
* Spellings or handwriting will be stuck in books so please encourage your child to complete these too.
* A BUGCLUB book will be allocated to your child and will be sent home every Friday. Please send this back into school by Tuesday so we can allocate another one to them. Also, please sign the log and add in any additional comments. The expectation is that your child reads their BUGCLUB book every week. We will increase this as the term progresses.
* BUGCLUBand Numbots/TTRS logins are in the front of your child's homework book.
* I use MARV Me to praise your child and send key messages home so please check daily. If you need help logging back onto this again please ask the office and we'll supply the details
A sneak peek of your classroom Swifts...

Year 2 Overview
Below is an overview which outlines the topics and subjects covered throughout the year. This is broken down into subjects to help you see the progression of the learning jounrey during their time in Year 2.
Year 2 Overview 24/25