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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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Roof Repairs

Some of you may be aware that we have suffered a leaking roof for a very long period of time. We have  been in negotiations with Southampton City Council regarding this serious problem and the damage it has  been causing to resources and children’s work, as well as the potential health and safety risk it could pose.
From many meetings during the summer holidays, the good news is that major work will take place during the summer next year to make the roof water tight which will be funded by Southampton City 
Council. However, due to the damage caused during some heavy downpours in the holidays, we have to have some interim repair work. As there is a need for immediate action to stop water from coming into the classrooms and before it starts raining again, this work will take place during the school week and  must be funded by the school budget. 
As a result of this, we are expecting this work to take place this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please be aware that initially, the year 5 class will be moved into the hall during the repair work 
over the year 5 and 6 classrooms. We will then move the year 1/2 classes when the work commences  above their rooms.  Though this is not ideal, I would like to assure parents that the children’s class work will not suffer and  we will endeavour to deliver the excellent education which you have come to expect from the Bitterne  Manor.