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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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Autumn Topic







Topic Summary


In the Childhood project, your child will learn words and phrases related to the passage of time. They will explore artefacts to help them to understand childhood in the past and how childhood has changed over time. They will explore the six stages of life and explore timelines and family trees. Everyday life in the 1950s will be explored, including shopping, transport, family life and childhood. They will also learn about the significance of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953 by studying photographs and online sources. The children will use maps to explore how places have changed over time and highlight any similarities or differences between childhood today and childhood in the 1950s. At the end of the project, they will create knowledge organisers for children who are about to study the topic of childhood.




Reading and Writing Journey


Throughout the topic we will be looking at different texts to focus on in our reading and writing journeys. Here's a look at some of these texts...





                 Lost in the Toy Museum                        Wilfrid, Gordon, Macdonald                       In the past: Toys Partridge



Within our English lessons we will be looking at 'Lost in the Toy Museum' and 'In the past: Toys.' These will help us work through the composition side of Year 1. The children will be working towards writing different writing outcomes which will help apply skills learnt. These outcomes are...


* Character Description

* Informative writing on a Toy

* Autobiographies 

* Non Chronological Report

* Recount

* Riddles


Our Guided Reading journey will focus on a transition text 'The Colour Monster.' We will then move onto exploring  'Wilfrid, Gordon, Macdonald Partridge.' This text will help us to work through the word-reading and comprehension side of the Year 1 curriculum by focussing on inference and decoding along with other key skills. We will then explore other texts by Julia Donaldson and Oliver Jeffers to broaden our comprehension skills.  




Maths Journey


In Year 1 we begin our Maths journey by looking at ‘Number and Place Value.’  During this topic the children will be aiming to read, write and recognise numbers up to 100 in both words and numerals. The children will explore finding one more or less than given numbers as well as securing their understanding of number and groups of objects.


As we move into the second half of the Autumn term, we will begin to look at ‘Addition and Subtraction'. The children will be using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to understand the concept of addition and subtraction. There will be a strong focus on number bonds, knowing facts to 10 and providing the children with the basic skills in which they can build on as they become more confident. As well as this, we will look at '2D and 3D shapes.' Children will learn common shapes and understand their properties.




Foundation Subjects


As well as the core subject areas, we will also be focusing on key foundation subjects. These foundation subjects provide further breadth into topics surrounding history, geography, science, art etc. The focus will be on the skills which link to our topic. 



Childhood is a history based topic. This means there are very strong cross-curricular links throughout all learning journeys that relate to and delve into the history of childhood, society and other concepts. There is a focus on the use on historical events, vocabulary and artefacts that the children can explore and discover along the way.



Throughout our geography journey the children will be looking at settlements and the way they have changed over time. We will also be discussing physical and human features such as picture maps, compasses and vocabulary relatable to the oceans, equator etc.



Science during this term takes us on a journey where we focus on materials. We particularly look at everyday materials and their properties. The children will discuss and investigate the way we use different materials everyday and why. After this project, we move onto looking at human senses. This project teaches children that humans are a type of animal known as a mammal. They name and count body parts and identify similarities and differences. They learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.



Art will contain our 'Funny Faces' project throughout the Autumn term. This project enables children to look at portraits and self-portraits whilst also learning about colours, the colour wheel and how we can use it within our art work and in particular our portraits.


Design & Technology

During the second half of the Autumn term children will focus on the project 'Shade and Shelter.' This project teaches children about the purpose of shelters and their materials. They name and describe shelters and design and make shelter prototypes. Children then design and build a play den as a group and evaluate their completed product.



During the Autumn children will look at the following topics through classroom work; Online safety, view animated stories and explore Purple Mash. 



Children will look at the theme of 'Relationships' this term. This will cover the following aspects: families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others. 


Religious Education

Across the two halves of the Autumn term, the children will look at two different themes and concepts for their RE learning journey. During the first half of the term the children will be focusing on the concept of Thanking within the theme of Harvest.


Throughout the second half term the children will be able to explore the concept of Belonging within the theme of the Waiting.


Physical Education

Children will learn a range of skills to help with their balance and co ordination. 



In Music sessions, children will create and respond to vocal sounds, explore how to change sound and experimenting with vocal and body percussion sounds.


Enrichment Opportunity

Children get the opportunity to visit the Tudor House in Southampton. Here they will learn more information on childhood and take part in exciting workshops all about toys!




How can you help at home...


There's lots of ways that you can help your child at home. One of them is by reading with them as much as possible. This will encourage your child to apply their phonics and develop their understanding of the text. You can use the online BUGCLUB tool to help encourage your child to read at home! Alongside this, what would be most helpful is to ensure that your child reads their book and brings it back to school weekly. They will bring home a reading log, please sign and comment where appropriate. This enables us to monitor their progress. Reading at home regularly will help enhance children’s reading skills which will also  impact their writing.  


Homework will be given out every Friday and asked to be returned on a Tuesday.  It will be linked to what your child has been learning about in school that week. Discussing your child's homework with them is a great way to help with consolidating and checking their understanding. Please ensure that your child completes this consistently and sign to say that you've seen it smiley


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! I'll always try my best to keep you updated through Marv Me and through regular contact day to day.


heart Thank you for your support and engagement. It is HUGELY appreciated heart

