Archived NC Level Information
National Curriculum Levels
Age related expectations are the levels which your child should be achieving at different points during their time at primary school. These levels are used by schools to help with progress and learning, with each child given specific learning objectives based on their own National Curriculum levels, to help teachers plan lessons that reach children of different abilities, to help with resourcing and support, to set targets and expectations for children, and to highlight Curriculum areas that need additional focus.
Obviously, children will progress at different rates and these levels of attainment are only to be used as a guide. Please remember that each child’s learning is different and so please discuss with your child’s teacher if you have concerns about your own child’s progress. The table below shows the expected levels for end of year.
Year Group |
Minimum |
1 |
1b or above |
2 |
2b |
3 |
3c |
4 |
3b |
5 |
3a |
6 |
4b |
We also measure rate of progress over your child’s time at our school. The Department for Education aims that a child should progress two full levels per key stage. Because KS1 covers only two school years, this means that a child should progress one level per year (for example achieving level 1B in year 1, and level 2B in year 2). But as KS2 covers four school years, the expected rate of progress is slower – effectively half a level per year (for example, from a 3C at the end of year 3 to a 3A at the end of year 4). However at Bitterne Manor Primary, we have high expectations and aim for our children to achieve 2 sublevels a year, therefore aiming for more than the expected 2 levels progress.
Teachers assess which level children are working at, and SATs are also used to determine level of attainment in year 2 and 6. Levels are described for each subject, in the National Curriculum. Each Level is broken into sub-levels a, b and c.
- For instance 1a means that a child has reached the top of level 1 and is working towards level 2.
- sub-level b means that a child is working well within that level
- sub-level c is when a child has started to work at that level.
- Children are expected to reach level 4 by Yr 6 at Primary School, but some reach level 5 or 6. Levels continue to level 7 and 8 with the national curriculum at secondary school.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to ask the classteacher.