A day as a pupil in Kingfisher Class (Year R)
A day as a pupil in Kingfisher Class (Year R)
8.45-9.00: Register and dinner choices taken
Morning jobs (at the beginning of the year these jobs are designed to strengthen children’s hands so activities such as cutting and threading are out, later in the year they are more literacy focused)
9.00-9.15: Calendar and Days of the Week / Months of the Year songs
Wake and Shake (a chance for children to dance to a song before beginning the day)
9.15-10.00: Phonics
10.00-10.15: Fruit, milk and topic input or discussion
10.15-10.30: Morning play (in Year R playground initially)
10.30-11.30: Rainbow Time- Child initiated time (children can choose what they do, inside and outside)
11.30-11.55: Topic time, songs or story
11.55-1.00: Lunch (in the hall) and play (in Year R playground initially)
1.00-1.30: Register then Maths
1.30-2.30: Rainbow Time- Child initiated time
2.30-2.50: Listening and Speaking or working with others activity
2.50-3.00: Things ready for home
3.00-3.20: Story and songs. Once children have settled into school and feel ready, Year R will then join the rest of the school in assembly at this time.