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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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British Values

What are British Values?


British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK. Fundamental British Values are not exclusive to being British and are shared by other democratic countries as a way of creating an orderly society, where individual members can feel safe, valued and can contribute for the good of themselves and others.

We promote British Values to reflect life in modern Britain. These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.  In all our provision, both academic and otherwise, we endeavour for our diverse school community to develop an understanding of British values and a strong desire to uphold them both now and as future British citizens. 


We want to help our children prepare for adult life as citizens of Britain by

  • Developing their self-confidence and self esteem.
  • Developing their understanding of right and wrong, and their respect for the law.
  • Encouraging them to take responsibility for their behaviour.
  • Encouraging involvement in the community and wider society.
  • Encouraging respect for the public services and institutions of Britain.
  • Promoting tolerance of and respect for all cultures and faiths.
  • Encouraging participation in the democratic process. 







A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.



To encourage Democracy at Bitterne Manor we:


  • Hold class voting for the election of school Learning Leaders
  • Provide pupils with a broad general knowledge of, and promote respect for, public institutions and services
  • Teach pupils how they can influence decision-making through the democratic process
  • Regularly look at this through assemblies and our school curriculum
  • Teach topics that look at Democracy within different societies (for example in Year 5 they learn about the government and society within Athens and can draw comparisons to their work on the Chinese Dynasties) 
  • Encourage pupils to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure they are listened to in school (for example our children chose our house names and designed the flags, some pupils wished to produce a ‘news’ programme and so now each week a class presents a ‘news’ assembly)
  • Encourage pupils to express their views through open discussions, pupil interviews and lessons
  • Model how perceived injustice can be peacefully challenged
  • Enjoy visits from the Mayor






The rule of law

The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.



To encourage Rule of Law at Bitterne Manor we:


  • Ensure school rules and expectations are clear and fair
  • Each class create their own class rules at the beginning of the year
  • Help pupils to distinguish right from wrong
  • Within our PSHE curriculum pupils are taught the value of and reasons behind laws- that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences of breaking laws. 
  • Explore laws and what to do if peer pressure is trying to persuade children to break these during PSHE lessons




Individual liberty

Protection of your rights and the rights of others around you.



To encourage Individual Liberty at Bitterne Manor we:


  • Encourage and empower our pupils to make their own choices and grow in independence, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-confidence through a variety of activities, awards and our day to day interactions and environment
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights
  • Model freedom of speech through pupil participation, while ensuring protection of vulnerable pupils
  • Challenge stereotypes through PSHE lessons, discussions, assemblies and within resources and our environments
  • Implement a strong anti-bullying culture
  • E-Safety units of work are taught throughout school and parents receive information on these
  • Pupils are free to make choices at lunch time, through school ‘clubs’ on offer
  • This is addressed through some of our topics.  For example, Year 6 pupils learn about Africa and the development of the slave trade








Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting those values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own onto them.


To encourage mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs at Bitterne Manor we:


  • Aim for all pupils within our diverse school to accept one another and learn about events, festivals and beliefs that are important to members of our school community
  • Explore positive role models through assemblies and topics (such as Rosa Parks)
  • Challenge any prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour
  • Our RE scheme ensures that our children have a good understanding of a range of religious beliefs and customs;
  • Help pupils to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.  For example, Year R’s ‘Time to Celebrate’ topic looks at weddings within a variety of religions.
  • Celebrate many British festivals and special events such as November 5th and World Book Day
  • Invite to school and work with representatives from different groups, such as charities,  the local church, the university, Sustainable Travel and other environmental groups


