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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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Autumn Term

Invading Jays!



INVASION is our topic for the Autumn term!


Throughout our INVASION topic, your child will learn about life in Britain after the Roman withdrawal. They will learn about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions up to the Norman conquest.  Looking back at almost 600 years of history! There will also be exploration of the influences of Roman civilisation on Britain before they departed and their lasting legacy before turning their attention to the invasions of the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and finally, the Normans.  Each of these events helped to shape Britain as we see it today.

Reading and Writing

Throughout the term we will be looking at a variety of texts that work alongside the Invasion topic. Saxon Tales and The Saga of Erik the Viking are two of the books that we will be focussing on, as well as a selection of Anglo-Saxon poetry which will allow the children the opportunity to write their own.


Our maths journey will begin with Number and Place Value.  The children will learn to recognise the place value of each digit within a 4 digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens and units).  They will then write, compare and order these numbers.  The children will also count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 100 and use their knowledge to solve practical and worded problems.  Alongside our invasion topic, the class will also learn to read Roman Numerals up to 100.


Later in the term, we will move onto Addition and Subtraction.  This will consist of adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers using formal column methods.  Using the methods they learn, they will solve two step addition and subtraction problems and explain why they used those methods which will increase their confidence and independence.

Foundation Subjects


There are a number of additional subjects that the children will explore that will link in with our topic.  Here is a quick snapshot of what other areas they will be looking at:



Within our geography topic we will use maps to see where the invading armies came from and where they settled in Britain. This will involve understanding the 8 compass points and how to read a 4 and 6 figure grid reference on a map.



The history topic this term will begin with the Roman withdrawal from Britain and then focus on the invasions by the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans.  The children will explore each of these events and look at timelines, ordering events in chronological order and the legacies which each of these events left behind.



Our art project teaches children about the artform of weaving and how it has developed over time, including the materials and techniques required to create woven patterns and products.



The science topic will help children to learn about the human digestive system. They explore the main parts, starting with the mouth and teeth, identifying teeth types and their functions. They link this learning to animals' diets and construct food chains to show the flow of energy.



PSHE this term will cover Families and Friendships, Safe Relationships and Respecting Ourselves and Others.



We will be using purple mash to help us look at coding and online safety.



We will learning new skills in Basketball which focusses not only on the technical skills but also working as a team which is important in team games.  There will be a dance topic based on the Anglo-Saxon invasion and also Gym sessions where the children will be able to use the gym apparatus individually and in pairs.



The class will begin to explore the concept of 'neighbour' and how this relates to the Christian belief. The children will look at bible stories to understand this meaning before using examples from their own life to put it into everyday context.  Later in the term, the class will explore the concept of 'warning' and again use stories from Christianity to understand the meaning before applying in their own lives.



