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Bitterne Manor Primary School

Bitterne Manor

Primary School

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Summer Term

Groundbreaking Greeks




In Maths this half term, we are going to start off focussing on fractions and decimals. We will be building on our knowledge from last term so that we are able to:

  • Add and subtract with up to 3 decimal places
  • Solve problems involving decimals with up to 3 decimal places
  • Multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000. 


After this, we will move on to learning about shape. By the end of this unit, we will be able to: 

  • Estimate & measure angles 
  • Accurately draw lines and angles 
  • Calculate angles on a straight line, around a point and in triangles
  • Understand the key properties of quadrilaterals and polygons. 


For the second half of the summer term, we will be looking at:

  •  Position & Direction
  • Time 
  • Units of measure 
  • Volume


All of these concepts will be made easier by a secure knowledge of times tables up to 12 x 12. Any encouragement for your child to practice these at home would be much appreciated. 


In the first half term, children will be exploring Greek Myths. Writing a Greek myth allows children to explore the world of Greek mythology, bringing famous characters and stories to life. Children could write at length, varying their verb forms and enhancing their descriptions with expanded noun phrases, relative clauses and figurative language. Cohesive devices could help to advance the plot and editing could improve the final version of the myth. Children should use their historical knowledge of Greek mythology to write a Greek myth.


After half term, we will be looking at the influence of the Ancient Greeks on the world and using this to write our own playscripts. Writing a Greek comedy allows the children to have fun with the dialogue and plot. Children could present their work in the layout of a playscript, with several scenes and settings. They could use dialogue to convey character and advance the plot. Humour could be included to entertain the audience and ridicule the main character. The main character could become enlightened about the absurdity of his actions. Stage directions could be added to help the actors. Children should use their historical knowledge of Classical Greece to write a Greek comedy playscript.


Finally, we will be writing our own Odes. Writing odes challenges children to think about the structure of a poem and use carefully chosen words for specific purposes. Children could choose vocabulary that rhymes, fits a number of syllables or maintains a rhythm. They could also include figurative language. Children should use their historical knowledge of Greek history or mythology to write an ode.


Our text this term is called, "Who let the Gods out?" by Maz Evans. A troubled boy’s life is turned upside down when an immortal crashes out of the sky onto his barn. They go on adventures together but accidentally release a daemon. With help from the gods, they begin a quest to save the world that takes them to incredible places on Earth and beyond.



To help at home, please continue to encourage your child to read a range of genres for different purposes. In addition to this, please find attached a knowledge organiser for our class text. This could help you question your child about the story.  This book is also the first of a series, so if your child enjoys it, there are 3 more books available. 

Who Let the Gods Out? Knowledge Organiser


In the Properties and Changes of Materials project, your child will revisit prior learning about the properties of materials. They will plan and carry out tests to determine the properties of a range of materials. They will use their results to suggest suitable materials for different purposes. They will learn about the property of thermal conductivity and identify materials that are thermal conductors and insulators. They will also learn about the property of solubility and test various materials to discover which are soluble and insoluble. They will find out about heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures and will separate heterogeneous mixtures using sieving and filtration. They will also separate homogeneous mixtures, investigating how to reverse dissolving by evaporation. They will ask scientific questions about separating unusual mixtures and research to find out the answers. They will learn the difference between reversible and irreversible changes and follow instructions to observe the signs of an irreversible change firsthand. They will complete their learning by finding out about materials scientists and their innovative materials. 


A knowledge organiser for this is available on the Science page of our website.



In the Groundbreaking Greeks project, your child will learn about different periods of Greek history, exploring the earliest civilisations, the devastation of the Dark Age and the breakthroughs and developments of the Archaic and Classical periods. They will understand how the geography of Greece affected the development of city states and explore Athens, learning about the structure of the government and society. They will get to know some of the most significant Athenians and understand why Greek art, culture, architecture, philosophy, medicine and mathematics were so significant. Your child will learn about the leadership of Alexander the Great and discover how ancient Greece became part of the Roman Empire after the Hellenistic period. They will explore how the Romans respected and developed Greek ideas, making them their own and spreading them throughout the Roman Empire. To end the project, your child will decide which was the ancient Greeks' greatest idea, and explore how the legacy of ancient Greece affects their lives today.


A knowledge organiser for this unit can be found below.

Ancient Greece Knowledge Organiser


In DT for the first half term, we will be learning about Architecture. This project teaches children about how architectural style and technology has developed over time and then use this knowledge to design a building with specific features. 


After half term, we will be looking at Expressionism. This project teaches children about the Expressionist art movement and the 'Father of Expressionism', Edvard Munch. They explore different ways to portray feelings and emotions in art to create an imaginative self-portrait.


For the first half term, we will be learning about physical health and mental wellbeing. The objectives we will cover are: 

  • how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle

• healthy sleep strategies and how to maintain them
• about the benefits of being outdoors and in the sun for physical and mental health
• how to manage risk in relation to sun exposure, including skin damage and heat

  • how medicines can contribute to health and how allergies can be managed

• that some diseases can be prevented by vaccinations and immunisations
• that bacteria and viruses can affect health
• how they can prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses with everyday hygiene
• to recognise the shared responsibility of keeping a clean environment


After half term, we will be looking at Growing and Changing. The objectives we will cover are: 

  • about personal identity and what contributes to it, including race, sex, gender,

family, faith, culture, hobbies, likes/dislikes
• how to recognise, respect and express their individuality and personal qualities
• ways to boost their mood and improve emotional wellbeing
• about the link between participating in interests, hobbies and community groups
and mental wellbeing


Finally, we will be learning about keeping safe. We will learn: 

• to identify when situations are becoming risky, unsafe or an emergency
• to identify occasions where they can help take responsibility for their own safety
• to differentiate between positive risk taking (e.g. trying a challenging new sport) and
dangerous behaviour
• how to deal with common injuries using basic first aid techniques
• how to respond in an emergency, including when and how to contact different
emergency services


In the first half term, we will be looking at the concept of rituals within the context of Islam. By the end of the unit, we will be able to: 

  • Explain the meaning of the word ritual.
  • Explain why ritual is significant for Muslims during the festival of Ramadan.
  • Explain why ritual is significant for Muslims during the festival of Eid-ul-Fitr.
  • Express an opinion on the significance of ritual within a Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr.
  • Express a personal response to the way in which ritual is evident in their own experiences.
  • Explain how their ideas of ritual may affect how their experiences and others experiences


After half term, we are learning about flight as a symbol within Christianity and Islam. By the end of the unit, we will be able to: 

  • Explain the meaning of the concept of symbol
  • Explain how flight as a symbol is expressed in different religious stories
  • Evaluate flight as a symbol by explaining its meaning in different religions and identify and describe some issues raised
  • Explain a personal response to flight as a symbol
  • Explain how their response to flight as a symbol can affect their own and others’ lives.